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As Joseph Campbell (professor of literature and comparative mythology) once said,
“Find Your BLISS.” —Joseph Campbell (1904-1987)

The past several weeks has been difficult and a time to do a deep dive into my “bliss.” And by bliss I don’t mean…

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I am blessed to live in an area surrounded by open spaces and natural beauty. Getting out for a hike has become my coping mechanism after a day of self quarantine. Being outside brings me peace and renewed and positive energy!

Diary comic documenting my day-to-day thoughts throughout a 2 week quarantine (post international travel)

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An employee at Savoia Pastry Shoppe in Rochester NY wears a face mask and gloves to deliver pastries to a waiting car

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Dr Fauci 's image on a donut made by Donuts Delite in Rochester NY

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Unpacked my vintage fiestaware collection in search of some color and joy. These happy dishes are sure to bring a little brightness to your day. Thankful for these hidden treasures finding their place back on the shelves and reminding me to keep on…

Fifth grade and third grade school work at home at the dining room table, along with the paint, Lego, and other detritus to keep busy when not doing homework. Mom's work from home "office" is in the background.
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